7 Sugar Addiction Documentaries From Around the World.
We live in the United States. We think we are the most advanced in almost everything. The reality is that almost every advanced country in the world is way ahead of us in the fight against sugar in the diet. England, Ireland, Canada, Australia, and South Africa are all passing laws and producing sugar excellent documentaries They are aware of this issue and are fighting back.
How lucky are we that we live in a time when we can call up important videos on demand — exactly when we need them! Sugar addiction documentaries are being created so fast I can’t keep up with them.
So I decided to just create a list so we can keep them all in one place for you. A few of them are a few years old but still incredibly relevant.
Below I have assembled the best of the best to save you time in the endless search for the great info.
If you’re more interested in how to put your struggles with sugar behind you then just click here. The Truth About Sugar Detox.
Just watch one of these when you have the time or need some motivation to press forward with your goals.
The granddaddy of them all:
Sugar: The Bitter Truth
From the US, it may have started this newest round of videos. Robert Lustig is a giant in the world of sugar education and lobbying for changes in the government policy on how we regulate and tax sugar.
It’s an educational lecture that was posted in 2009 and with no promotion or advertising, it went insanely viral and went to over a million views very quickly. It now sits at over 6 and a half million views!
2. The Secrets of Sugar — The Fifth Estate
A Canadian Broadcasting film that is also now over a million combined views. It follows several families as they learn about how much sugar they are eating and their quest to cut back. Even with a film crew following them around the goal is hard. The hardcore information about what we are eating is very comprehensive. Watch and see if your family is similar:
3. That Sugar Film
An Australian offering where Damon the star and producer, who had given up sugar three years ago starts to eat it again. He has a baby on the way and wants to see if it will affect him.
The film follows 30 days of him eating ONLY “health” food. Yes, you read that right. Only foods that are thought of as healthy. Yogurt, fruit juices, etc.
It is not only educational but hugely entertaining.
4. Jamie Oliver’s Sugar Rush
What list would be complete without the hero for children’s diet — Jamie Oliver. I’m not sure how this video got onto YouTube but we are better for it.
It’s Jamie’s offering from the UK and is so heart wrenching for the kids who have abused sugar. And the adults aren’t let out. Be ready if you watch it. It’s truly a must watch…
5. Sugar Crash
Sugar Crash is Ireland’s offering. While the products they review seem a little different you can still see the same results.
Ireland went from the thinnest nation in Europe to the fattest in just eighty years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_qyMQYcjpE
You can’t miss this one. You may have to pay for it still but it is worth it.
This film was produced and narrated by Katie Couric. It is cutting edge science and just absolutely spot on.
Filmed in the US it follows families and interviews some of the most famous educators and researchers in the field.
7. A few bonus shorts:
Is a great educational video and part of a
TED talk that explains exactly what is going
on in your brain when you ingest sugar. Be
sure to click over to the TED talk after.
And an awesome 60 minutes episode:
I believe the title says it all!
I hope you watch every one of these.
It shows you the world is waking up to the
dangers of too much sugar.
If you feel you may have a slight sugar dependency or see sugar as an issue in your life. Take this very short (10 yes or no questions) Sugar Quiz.
Originally published on SugarAddiction.com
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